Who Do I See About…? | Service Directory | NC State OR

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Who Do I See About…?

Last Updated: 07/10/2024 | All information is accurate and still up-to-date

Do you need help with an NC State OR-related issue but don’t know who to ask? Below, you’ll find a service directory listing many daily tasks in the program and who handles them. If you don’t find your answer, you can email us your question.

Access to building, classroom and labs equipped with access card readersComplete the Building/Lab Keycard Access Request Form. If you are still having issues, please contact the ISE undergraduate services coordinator.
Administrative office staff managementFor special requests or personnel problems, contact Linda Smith.
Building security, problems with lighting, air conditioning, minor, non-minor issues, etc.Contact the NC State Facilities Department at 919.515.2991. If you are still having issues, please contact Linda Smith.
Classroom A/V supportFor Fitts-Woolard Hall 4th floor classrooms
Complete the Report PC/IT Issue Form. If you are still having issues, please contact the ISE Service Desk.
For Fitts-Woolard Hall 2nd floor classrooms
For A/V issues, contact the ClassTech and for facility issues, contact the University Classroom Hotline at 919.515.1555.
Computer software and hardware supportComplete a form for your specific issue on the IT and Computer Issues web page. If you are still having issues, please contact ISE Service Desk.
Conference room A/V supportComplete the Report PC/IT Issue Form. If you are still having issues, please contact the ISE Service Desk.
Conference room schedulingFor ISE, OR, IMSEI and MEM faculty, staff and students, you can reserve a Fitts-Woolard Hall conference room by going to your room reservation page. Click on the OR Room Reservation Page, and following the "Making a Reservation is Easy" instructions further down the page.
If you do not have access to your room reservation page, contact Karen Welton for help with rooms 4301, 4280, 3301 or 3280.
Course schedulingGo to the Schedule and Classes FAQ. If you are still having issues, please contact Linda Smith.
Current student issues like requesting exams, graduation process, processing forms, leaves-of-absence and assistantship payContact Linda Smith.
Program director's calendarContact Linda Smith.
Effort reports (TEARS)Contact Linda Smith.
Faculty Start Up FundsContact Linda Smith.
Faculty Time and EffortContact Linda Smith.
Fax sending/receivingA fax machine is located in the OR mailroom (4143 FWH). If you do not have access to the mailroom, contact Linda Smith.
Fed Ex/special delivery sending/receivingContact Linda Smith.
Final grade reportsContact Linda Smith.
Forms for summer payFor faculty members and students, please contact Linda Smith. For all others, please contact Christina Pucci.
Foundation/Discretionary FundsContact Linda Smith.
Grade change formsGrade Change Forms can be completed through Mypack Portal (SIS). If you still need assistance, contact Linda Smith.
Student advisingYou should contact Maria Mayorga.
Sudent room assignments (after cleared with appropriate faculty)After you have been cleared by an appropriate faculty member, contact Linda Smith.
Immigration mattersContact the Office of International Services (OIS). For international employment issues, contact NC State Human Resources Department (HR).
IMSEI ProgramContact Bill Irwin.
Leave recordsContact Linda Smith.
Master of Engineering Management ProgramMany of your questions can be answered in the MEM FAQ. If you still need assistance, contact Kalene Thomas.
Office and teaching supply purchasesContact Linda Smith.
Payroll for bi-weeklyContact Linda Smith.
PhotocopyingA full-service copier is located in the OR mailroom (4143 FWH). If you do not have access to the mailroom, contact Linda Smith.
Purchases of $5,000 or moreAll purchases should have a corresponding Purchase Request Form. If you still need assistance, contact Linda Smith.
Purchases under $5,000All purchases should have a corresponding Purchase Request Form. If you still need assistance, contact Linda Smith.
RecruitmentContact Linda Smith.
Research Administration and Contracts and GrantsFor pre- and post-award, contact Linda Smith.
Research Development - Funding OpportunitiesFor pre- and post-award, contact Linda Smith.
State Appropriated Funds including start-up, return of release time, and other special fundingContact Linda Smith.
Supervise and train student assistantsContact Linda Smith.
Teaching assistantshipsContact The Grad School.
Teaching assistantships/Research Assistantships (hiring process)Contact Linda Smith.
Textbook ordering
Orders are due in the bookstore:
Spring Semester - October 15
Summer Sessions - March 15
Fall Semester - April 15
Contact Linda Smith.
Travel authorizationsComplete the Travel Authorization Form as soon as you decide to go. If you are still having issues, please contact Linda Smith.
Travel reimbursementsComplete the Travel Reimbursement Form within 30 days of your trip. If you are still having issues, please contact Linda Smith.
Typing, word-processingContact Linda Smith.