Future Student FAQ | NC State OR

Future Student FAQ

Last Updated: 07/22/2024 and all information on this page is accurate and up-to-date

Welcome to the Future Student FAQ, your resource for answers about the NC State Operations Research Program. Need more help? Contact our Executive Assistant of Operations Research at operationsresearch@ncsu.edu.

About the NC State Operations Research Program

The Operations Research Graduate Program (OR) at NC State University distinguishes itself through collaboration across the Colleges of Engineering and Sciences and the Poole College of Management. Our faculty expertise spans engineering, science, management, textiles, and forestry.

Moreover, we proudly welcome our nation’s veterans and military families. The Military OR Group includes active-duty US service members and military veterans from all branches. Recognized as one of the top 10 military-friendly programs, it has been named a Military Times Best College.

About Operations Research Degrees

The program offers three advanced degrees and two minors:

Furthermore, you can often secure teaching and research assistant positions across various departments such as computer science, electrical and computer engineering, industrial and systems engineering, mathematics, and statistics.