MSOR/Ph.D. Student Information Submission | NC State OR

A row of graduates holding their rolled up diplomas

MSOR/Ph.D. Student Information Submission

Last Updated: 07/22/2024 | All information is accurate and still up-to-date

A great way to let potential employers and fellow researchers get to know you and your current research is to set up a personal web page. The OR Program gives you that opportunity. It starts with your student information submission.

You get a personal web page as a new MSOR or Ph.D. student in the NC State OR Department. This allows potential grad students to see the types of research our current students are working on and let potential employers see your qualifications and achievements.

  • In four (4) words or less, describe your area of employment interest that would help employers identify you as a candidate — for example, academia, data sciences, or supply chain and logistics.
  • Education History

  • Please list all honors and awards you have received while in college. Include the award name, the organization that gave you the award and the year you received the award.
  • Please upload a high-resolution headshot photo of yourself. If you do not have one, come by 4158 Fitts Woolard Hall and we will take a professional one for you for FREE.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, tiff, bmp, Max. file size: 20 MB, Max. files: 3.
      Maximum file size - 20 mega bytes.
    • This is to let potential employers know that you are looking for employment.
    • Was there anything that you want to have added to your web page? LinkedIn Profile? Resume? Research website? More degrees? More honors and awards?
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    The Importance of Promoting Yourself

    Promoting yourself to potential employers and researchers is crucial for your career success. First, you need to highlight your strengths and skills. For instance, if you have specialized knowledge or experience, make sure to share it. This way, you can show how you stand out from others.

    Next, create a strong resume and cover letter. Include your achievements and qualifications clearly. This will help potential employers and researchers see what you have to offer. Additionally, customize these documents for each job or research opportunity to match what they are looking for.

    Also, leverage your online presence. Platforms like LinkedIn allow you to showcase your skills and connect with professionals in your field. Regularly update your profile with your latest accomplishments. Furthermore, engage with industry-related content to build your network and visibility.

    Another important step is to practice your elevator pitch. This is a brief summary of who you are and what you can do. Be ready to deliver it confidently in networking situations. This can help you make a strong first impression.

    Additionally, seek out and attend relevant conferences or workshops. These events provide opportunities to meet potential employers and researchers. When you attend, make sure to network actively and share your interests and goals.

    Finally, follow up with people you meet. Send thank-you notes or emails to express your appreciation for their time. This keeps you on their radar and shows your enthusiasm. Promoting yourself effectively can open doors to exciting career opportunities and research collaborations.