Join us in welcoming to the OR Program Çağlar Çağlayan, Donald Richardson, Breanna Swan and Jamie Yannayon from the John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.
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OR/ML and Systems Engineering at JHU/APL
JHU APL is a division of Johns Hopkins University. The Lab is the nation’s largest and oldest university-affiliated research center (UARC), with 8,000 + staff members. As a UARC JHU APL operates in the public’s interest rather than stakeholders and provides independent and objective advice to the government. The Lab serves as a bridge between academia, industry, and government by employing expertise in using technology and applied systems engineering to create operational capabilities. The presentation will highlight various projects within the Health and Human Systems group at JHU/APL. The group’s mission is to engineer health and human-machine systems to improve resilience to health threats, transform complex sociotechnical systems, and revolutionize operational care delivery.
Dr. Çağlar Çağlayan joined JHU/APL in 2020. He is an operations research scientist, focusing on the use and development of optimization, simulation, and machine learning approaches for clinical decision-making problems. He received his master’s degree from North Carolina State University and doctoral degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Before joining the lab, he worked at the University of Maryland School of Business as a research associate and at Clemson University Department of Industrial Engineering as an assistant professor.
Donald Ricardson is an Operations Researcher and Supervisor at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. His work focuses on applying predictive modeling, optimization, and simulation in the healthcare setting. Donald received his Ph.D. and Master’s degrees from the University of Michigan’s Industrial and Operations Engineering Department.
Breanna is an industrial engineer in the Health and Human-Machine Systems group at JHU-APL. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering with a Statistics minor from North Carolina State University, an M.S. in Mathematics from UW-Milwaukee, and a B.S. in mathematical physics. Her research interests include integrating techniques like predictive modeling, decision theory, simulation, optimization, bioinformatics and more to develop frameworks that improve health and wellbeing through data-driven decision support tools.
Jamie Yannayon is a health systems engineer and public health analyst supporting analysis efforts for military medicine spanning mission-level medical planning, medical capability development, operational medical logistics, casualty modeling, medical quality and safety, and health research portfolio planning. She leads integration of APL’s technical efforts in the field with military medicine sponsors and subject matter experts, with field experience working at military treatment facilities (MTFs) and military bases in the U.S. and Japan, as well as at Defense Health Headquarters (DHHQ). Jamie received a B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from NC State University and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.