Schedule and Classes FAQ | Current Students | NC State OR
Schedule and Classes FAQ
Last Updated: 07/10/20242 | All information is accurate and still up-to-date
Schedule FAQ
- Although you don’t need to come to campus for distance education courses, you may need to for some exams. If you are out of state, you can, however, make exam accommodations.
- Moreover, distance education tuition varies by session. Therefore, check the University Cashier’s Office website for pricing:
- Additionally, distance education courses meet curriculum requirements just like regular courses.
- On the other hand, some on-campus courses are listed as “internet” courses. These, however, are not distance education courses but regular courses administered online. As a result, they will be billed as regular courses.
- If you are an on-campus graduate student, you may not take distance courses in the Fall or Spring semesters. However, you may take one during the summer semester. Furthermore, you must set up an online account to register. For help, contact our Executive Assistant of Operations Research at
- You may take 15 credit hours in the Fall or Spring semesters. If you want to take more, you must get approval from the OR Director and fill out forms for the Graduate School, College of Engineering, and Registration and Records.
- Follow the instructions to complete and submit a Reduced Course Load Request.
Can’t find your answer? Please contact our Executive Assistant of Operations Research at | 919.515.2350.
Classes FAQ
- Find deadlines for adding or dropping courses here:
- For late course additions, you need approval from the instructor and the College of Engineering. Therefore, use a schedule revision form to add a course.
- However, you can only drop a course late under extenuating circumstances. To do this, use a schedule revision form to drop a course. Additionally, include a letter explaining your request, addressed to the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, with supporting documents like doctor’s notes.
- If you have a valid reason to drop a course after the deadline, consult the University Counseling Center first.
- Furthermore, read the university policy on late drops here:
- Finally, get schedule revision forms from the College of Engineering.
- First, complete the Petition to Add MBA Courses Form. Then, submit the form as directed.
Can’t find your answer? Please contact our Executive Assistant of Operations Research at | 919.515.2350.