4103 FWH Room Reservation | NC State OR
4103 FWH Room Reservation
Last Updated: 07/25/2024 | All information is accurate and still up-to-date
Need to make a 4103 FWH Room Reservation?
- Schedule an event on your NC State Google® Calendar for the time you would like to reserve the 4103 conference room.
- Invite the FWH-4103-ISE-Conference Room resource .
- The room will auto-accept any available time slot.
- Save your Google Calendar event.
Need step-by-step instructions? How to reserve an ISE room using your Google Calendar
Please contact ise@ncsu.edu if you have any quest
About Fitts-Woolard Hall
Along with the Operations Research Program, Fitts-Woolard Hall (FWH), the College of Engineering’s newest building, houses the:
- Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE)
- Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE)
- Dean’s Administration Office
- Master of Engineering Management (MEM)
- Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering Institute (IMSEI)
This building brought the College together on Centennial Campus through a special partnership. With half the $150 million funding from North Carolina voters and the rest from private donations, NC State completed this 227,000-square-foot building.
Named after key supporters (Edward P. Fitts, Jr. (ISE ‘61), his wife, Debra, Edgar S. Woolard, Jr. (ISE ‘56), and his wife, Peggy), Fitts-Woolard Hall symbolizes the dedication of alumni and friends in advancing the College’s mission. This facility is an innovation center that promotes interdisciplinary research and industry collaboration.