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College of Engineering
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Poster Printing Request | NC State OR
Please fill out this form if you need a research poster printed at the OR help center.
First Name
Last Name
NC State Email
Mount your Poster on Foam Board?
Depending on how and where your poster will be displayed, it is sometimes a good idea to have it mounted onto foam board so it can sit on an easel
Date your Poster is Needed
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Special Instructions
BEFORE Uploading your Poster
Please double-check that your poster is the correct size before submission.
Graduate student research and faculty posters are 48 inches X 36 inches
A variety of poster templates are available at
myOR Design Resources
Poster Upload
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 80 MB, Max. files: 2.
Maximum file size – 80 mega bytes.
Are you a Robot?
I am not a Robot
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.